Sophia Bickhardt
Social Scientist (diplom, Political Science, New History, Economics), lecturer, trainer and project coordinator in intercultural civic education since 2004. Her focus lays on socio-economic education, culture of remembrance, gender relations and digitalisation. She is co-founder of weltgewandt e.V., author of « Future 4.0 Digitisation of Economy and Society » and experienced in European cooperation since 2008 (PLL, Erasmus+).
Scuola Di Robotica
Fiorella Operto
Educated in Philosophy, she collaborated with the Italian Research Council on the social impact of Advanced Robotics applications. In 2000 she founded the School of Robotics Society, and is its Deputy Chair today. Operto contributed to the definition and application Roboethics (Ethical, Legal, and Societal Issues in Robotics). She is Member of the high-level Advisory Committee for ECWT (EU European Centre for Women & Technology), Consultant and member of “The Open Roboethics Initiative”and Ambassador of the European NAO Challenge.
Andrea Fui
Born on 26/12/84, he has got the triennial degree in Computer Science in 2010 (University of Genoa), and in 2013 the triennial degree in Psychology (University of Genoa). He is collaborating with the School of Robotics about the issues of Educational robotics for SEN students. He is expert of using educational robotics and a humanoid robot – NAO -for kids 8-14 with special educational needs.
Mehmet ALTUNBAS has worked as a training expert and project manager in NGOs and public bodies for more than 15 years. As an active project manager, he has taken part in various research, development and application phases of youth, VET and adult education projects. Having worked at education departments throughout his entire career, he has experience in instructional design and training delivery with non-formal methods. Altunbas worked at the Ministry of Labour and Social Security as a senior training expert. He was one of the members of the “Agriculture Advisory Committee” which had a cross-ministerial function on OSH practices. As a project writer and manager he has taken role in various EU projects, attended symposiums as a speaker, and to the seminars as a trainer. Altunbas joined the ILA team as the Director of organization.
Building Bridges
José María Imbert
Jose Maria Imbert is a holder of a BSc in Business Management. He has garnered most of his experience in the communications field as a content developer and content manager for several NGOs. He joined the Building Bridges team in November 2018 as a curriculum developer for informal education modules and content manager, subsequently as a Project Manager and as responsible strategic partnership building.
Antonino Versace is one of the founders of Building Bridges and informal education curriculum builder and project manager. Nino’s expertise in EU project writing and managing stems from his 10+ years of experience in the field. He is currently the No Gender Gap project manager.